I am a learner at Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 11 and my teacher is Miss Tupou.
On Wednesday 11, Glen Taylor school went to Hoyts Cinemas in Sylvia Park to watch the Manaiakalani flims!
The people in my team was Faiana, Paris, Tracey and Syc. Our flim "A Message From Glen Taylor School" got picked! Our presenters were 'Hope & Faiana'. Our school was partnered up with St Pius Catholic School. We also saw Tamaki College, St Patricks and Pt England's films!
Overall it was an amazing experience and I can't wait to go next year!
Hi Everyone,
A message from Glen Taylor School is a film created by Room 11 students. It is filled with inspirational quotes and words of wisdom to help you realize that you are special.
We hope that when you leave today, you are inspired and motivated to embrace your uniqueness and strive to succeed! Don’t let anyone stand in your way!
Go forth and conquer!
This week is 'Maori Language Week' which is a very important week for New Zealand. At Glen Taylor School, we celebrated Maori Language Week by having a hangi and learning how to play the traditional game 'Poi Rakau'. The hangi was very delicious and it was a great experience having a taste of the Maori culture. Poi Rakau was so much fun and I would love to play it again!