How Do We Taste?
Have you ever wondered how you could only smell or taste certain types of food when you have a cold?
Well today, I will be explaining to you how you savour all the goodness from foods.
Well today, I will be explaining to you how you savour all the goodness from foods.
The first introduction in this journey is the papilla! The papilla is the little red dots on top of your tongue.
Surrounding the papilla are these mini hair things called microvilli that help you taste. It has been
scientifically known that kids have approximately twice as much 10,000 papillae. When you grow older
into an adult, you have about 5000 papillae since the papillae dies out which then makes you taste less
stuff as kids. Next, is the odor molecules. The odor molecules are a type of particle that goes to into your
olfactory receptors, specifically so that you can smell the food. While we are on the subject of
olfactory receptors, let’s end this paragraph about what olfactory receptors are! Basically their job is to
help the nose smell the food so that you would be able to taste all the deliciousness from the food. The
olfactory receptors also sends a signal to your brain whenever you're about to eat something bad.
Surrounding the papilla are these mini hair things called microvilli that help you taste. It has been
scientifically known that kids have approximately twice as much 10,000 papillae. When you grow older
into an adult, you have about 5000 papillae since the papillae dies out which then makes you taste less
stuff as kids. Next, is the odor molecules. The odor molecules are a type of particle that goes to into your
olfactory receptors, specifically so that you can smell the food. While we are on the subject of
olfactory receptors, let’s end this paragraph about what olfactory receptors are! Basically their job is to
help the nose smell the food so that you would be able to taste all the deliciousness from the food. The
olfactory receptors also sends a signal to your brain whenever you're about to eat something bad.
Ever noticed that you can’t really taste food when you have a cold? If you are really curious for the
answer, well you came to the right explanation! The whole reason why this happens is because the
snot that's stuck in your nose blocks the odor molecules from coming through. That is why it is
much harder for your taste buds to recognize what you are eating.
answer, well you came to the right explanation! The whole reason why this happens is because the
snot that's stuck in your nose blocks the odor molecules from coming through. That is why it is
much harder for your taste buds to recognize what you are eating.
We all now know that those little things on our tongue are called papillae and that kids have twice
the amount of papillae than adults. But the only thing that is really important is for you to stop going
out in the rain and getting a cold because then your olfactory receptors would have a few days off
their job! Anyways, since my aim for this writing piece was to explain how we taste, I hope you have
finally figured out the answer and learned some interesting facts about your tongue.

the amount of papillae than adults. But the only thing that is really important is for you to stop going
out in the rain and getting a cold because then your olfactory receptors would have a few days off
their job! Anyways, since my aim for this writing piece was to explain how we taste, I hope you have
finally figured out the answer and learned some interesting facts about your tongue.
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