I am a learner at Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 11 and my teacher is Miss Tupou.
On Wednesday 11, Glen Taylor school went to Hoyts Cinemas in Sylvia Park to watch the Manaiakalani flims!
The people in my team was Faiana, Paris, Tracey and Syc. Our flim "A Message From Glen Taylor School" got picked! Our presenters were 'Hope & Faiana'. Our school was partnered up with St Pius Catholic School. We also saw Tamaki College, St Patricks and Pt England's films!
Overall it was an amazing experience and I can't wait to go next year!
Hi Everyone,
A message from Glen Taylor School is a film created by Room 11 students. It is filled with inspirational quotes and words of wisdom to help you realize that you are special.
We hope that when you leave today, you are inspired and motivated to embrace your uniqueness and strive to succeed! Don’t let anyone stand in your way!
Go forth and conquer!
This week is 'Maori Language Week' which is a very important week for New Zealand. At Glen Taylor School, we celebrated Maori Language Week by having a hangi and learning how to play the traditional game 'Poi Rakau'. The hangi was very delicious and it was a great experience having a taste of the Maori culture. Poi Rakau was so much fun and I would love to play it again!
Today for Literacy, we had to watch a short film about the origin of 'Tonga's gold teeth'. It is about a young boy named Sione whom ran away from home and came across a piece of gold. Enjoy!
Today for maths, we had to create 10 questions that can be converted into a percentage. These questions will be answered by someone else in my maths group tomorrow!
Today for LCS, we had to create a poster about our family. These were the questions we had to answer - What do you like best about your family and the people you live with? What would you like other people to know about your extended family? Do you spend time with older members of your family? Are they important to you? What routines & customs are important to your family? Do you have any keepsakes, like photos or jewelery, that are inherited from your ancestors? Does your home have any pictures or decorations that are particular to your culture? Enjoy!
Proverbs: Fall seven times. Stand up eight.
Even when you fail sometimes, toughen up and get back on track…
There once lived a little girl named ‘Lela’ and she aspired to be the world’s best inventor! At a young age, she worked to her fullest potential to achieve her dream. Although she had a bright mind, she was homeless and had no opportunities heading her way. When she was a toddler, she used to grab things out of the rubbish bin and make it into something exquisite. Her mother was always there for her and told her to keep on working on her dreams.
One day, Lela woke up with a crash in her mind and shivers running through her body. The garbage man had come and taken all her inventions including her cardboard blanket. She made a leap and beelined to the rubbish truck but as soon as she got there, the rubbish man & truck had suddenly vanished. There wasn’t a glimpse of sight of any rubbish truck or man. Lela thought she was hallucinating and slowly went back to her spot while her eyes twitched rapidly. Soon after, she collapsed in the middle of the park.
“Where am I?” Lela said as her eyes awoken and her vision blurred her surroundings. Soon she was struck with a flash of a gleaming light. She could see the light but didn’t know where it was coming from. Her hands flapped around and she started fighting the air. “Unfortunately, something has made you half blind”, a screechy voice said. Lela’s heart dropped! How would she become an inventor while being half-blind. She fell into the doctor’s arms and just bursted into tears.
Lela was only 16 years old when she received the devastating news and since her mother had passed away a few months ago, she had to go into an orphanage. At the orphanage, she had special help since she couldn’t see properly and while being there, she also made really good friends. Soon enough, a young couple wanted to adopt her. She was so happy and couldn’t wait to move!
Her parents treated her amazing and she even had her own room. As she touched the walls and items of the house, she could feel the structures of it and had great ideas for her new inventions. She told her adoptive parents about her special skill and they decided to embrace her talent. They bought her new items and helped her out. With the support of her parents, she was able to create 7 new inventions.
Then she decided to share her inventions with the world! Her first invention was a fail, everyone said it was useless. After all the hateful comments she got, she wanted to give up but her parents told her to keep on trying. She set her other 6 inventions out to the world but as last time, it was a flop. Lela cried in her room all day after that, but she remembered her mother’s wish before she died, “Promise me that whatever happens, you will always focus on your dream”. She started to reminisce about the times when her mother and her would always create inventions, and soon an idea popped into her mind!
She took her mother’s old ideas and her own ideas and created something brand new. Lela told her parents about her new invention and they immediately shared it to the whole world. Her invention was a success and soon enough she was known around the entire globe. Everytime she had an interview, she would always say “Fall seven times, stand up eight!”.
Mr Victor had given Room 11 a writing task! We had to choose a proverb and then write a narrative about it. Here is the narrative I have written. Enjoy
My fourth task for LCS was 'Hope and Dreams'! I had to write down my hope, dreams and goals for the future. I had to write down what I’d like to achieve in the next 12 years, my goals for the next 5 years, what I’d like to accomplish in the next ten years, what career path I'd like to follow, what I'd like to do for someone else, what I’d like to do for the environment around me.
Today for maths, we were still working on fractions. Yesterday everyone in my group created their own questions about fractions. Me and Rottpon swapped our worked and here is this finish answers.
“Hey, leave her alone!” It was just the first day of school and people were already taunting me. I bowed down to Tyrone and left to go back to the direction I was heading to before. Tyron was the class clown. He would always be the loudest in the class and was such a flirt with the girls. For some odd reason, everytime the jocks would tease me, Tyron was always there to defend me. The leader of the jocks was… Alejandro. He was the most popularist boy in school and everyone loved him. He gets praised for basically everything he does, including bullying me. Alejandro and I are neighbours. Outside of school, he is the nicest boy ever but at school, he would be all tough and acted like a pest to me. I knew he felt bad for me, but his way of keeping his high status was bullying me, so he never stopped. As I made my way to class, I could hear the cheerleaders chuckle at me. “Where’d you get your outfit from?, Goodwill?” said Madison while all the other students started laughing. I used to be friends with Madison. Me, Madison and Brittany (The cheerleaders captain) were the iconic trio. We would always be together and no one or nothing could ever break us up. But ever since we started high school, we got interested in different things and now they treat me horrible. Tyron, Alejandro, Madison, Brittany and I have known each other since middle school, but we never knew our lives would change after this one sudden day...
Today for listen 2 reading, I decided to read 'Enemy Pie'. This story has a very good moral and is very interesting. I recommend anyone to read this book because it was very fascinating!
This is the exponents work for Monday and Tuesday. This was a difficult task because it was a brand new lesson but overall, I really enjoyed learning about fractions!
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For writing, I went on pobble365 and picked a picture to write about. This picture is of a young girl walking on a roof tile with a mysterious cat. To me it seems that, this girl has magical powers and is going somewhere very supernatural.