
Friday 17 May 2019

Water Vs Flame

  • Water Vs Flame

Aim: We are trying to see what will happen when a lit candle is put underwater beneath a glass.

Materials: 1 tea-light candle, clear glass, lighter, water, clear/glass bowl and an adult.

Hypothesis: I thought that if you put the lit candle above the water, it will float. But when the fire is
put under the water, I thought that the flame will go out since water is a conductor of heat, so it could
possibly blow it out.


  1. Grab your candle and get an adult to light up the candle.
  2. Then, get your clear bowl and fill it halfway with water
  3. After gently get your lit candle and slowly put it above the water until it starts to float.
  4. Next, take your cup and firmly push it down. But make the candle is inside it.

Results: When we did the experiment, I observed that when you put the cup down, the candle would
still be lit. The air floated up the cup and the cup started steaming up. I saw it evaporating and it took
approximately 7 seconds for the candle to run out of gas.

Conclusion: I have found out that the reason why the flame didn’t run out is because when you put the
cup down, the air pushes the water out of the cup. But after-about 7 seconds it would run out since the
cup would use all the oxygen in the cup and then there would be no more oxygen in there.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Wint, I really love how you have explained what you have saw while you were doing the experiment. You have described so much about what you have saw. Keep up the great work !
