
Monday 17 June 2019

Discovering Electricity!

  • Discovering Electricity!

Did you know that you have a little bit of electricity inside of you? Well today I will
be telling you all about how electricity works, what transformers are and how to stay
safe around electricity!

Firstly, I will be stating some facts about electricity. Have you ever heard of the word
arcing? Basically, arcing means when electricity travels through air. When your in a
situation where something goes wrong with the powerline, you must stay 10 meters
away or else you will get a big, great electricity shock. But the reason why you can’t
go too close to the powerline is because your body is 70% made out of water. In bird’s
case, they don’t get shocked by the wires since birds do not touch the ground and the
wire goes down to the earth. To help clasp the powerlines, there is a rubber, glass and
ceramic holder called insulator.

Now let’s discuss about transformers! If you don’t know what a transformer is,
try remembering a time where you have seen a green box outside with a danger
sign on it. Well those things are very powerful since they have 11,000 volts in them.
The transformer’s job is to help turn those 11,000 volts into 300 volts, so that houses
can use it.

Since we’re on our last topic, I will be telling you how to stay safe around electricity!
The powerlines in your streets, sometimes can get damaged by storms, trees and cars
occuring car crashes. This happens very often, so for your own safety, stay far away
from the wires and warn others. Do you have cords in your house that are broken?
If you do, throw them away since those plugs could possibly blow up at any time if
you’re still using it. Also don’t ever mix electricity with water because when you put
those two conductors together, there is a high chance that you could get hurt. By the
way, never put anything inside your toaster.

From Esthra, I have learnt so many new ways of keeping myself safe from electricity
and knowing why electricity is so important. Now that we have ended our lesson,
I hope you start keeping yourself safe from electricity!

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Carlosi as you already know I loved how you described the little electricity in our body and about transformers and how you can stay safe around them. Have you ever sat or played around a transformer.
