
Monday 24 June 2019

The Animal In Me

The Animal In Me

There is a creature inside of me,
It swifts and scratches at the door of my mind
It’s sly when they see their prey
It screams when it’s feeling vicious

There is an animal inside of me,
It howls at the walls of my heart
It keeps trying to attack
When I am alone, the beast inside of me will feel
lonely and fed up

There is an animal inside me,
When I am with my friends it tries to pounce around
I am a fox
It is like a werewolf fighting to get out
It tricks you and sobs

There is an animal inside me,
Its body is covered with fur
Its eyes are shimmery
It just won’t leave me alone,
Will I ever be free of this animal in me?

Thursday 20 June 2019

How Do We Taste?

How Do We Taste?

Have you ever wondered how you could only smell or taste certain types of food when you have a cold?
Well today, I will be explaining to you how you savour all the goodness from foods.

The first introduction in this journey is the papilla! The papilla is the little red dots on top of your tongue.
Surrounding the papilla are these mini hair things called microvilli that help you taste. It has been
scientifically known that kids have approximately twice as much 10,000 papillae. When you grow older
into an adult, you have about 5000 papillae since the papillae dies out which then makes you taste less
stuff as kids. Next, is the odor molecules. The odor molecules are a type of particle that goes to into your
olfactory receptors, specifically so that you can smell the food. While we are on the subject of
olfactory receptors, let’s end this paragraph about what olfactory receptors are! Basically their job is to
help the nose smell the food so that you would be able to taste all the deliciousness from the food. The
olfactory receptors also sends a signal to your brain whenever you're about to eat something bad.

Ever noticed that you can’t really taste food when you have a cold? If you are really curious for the
answer, well you came to the right explanation! The whole reason why this happens is because the
snot that's stuck in your nose blocks the odor molecules from coming through. That is why it is
much harder for your taste buds to recognize what you are eating.

We all now know that those little things on our tongue are called papillae and that kids have twice
the amount of papillae than adults. But the only thing that is really important is for you to stop going
out in the rain and getting a cold because then your olfactory receptors would have a few days off
their job! Anyways, since my aim for this writing piece was to explain how we taste, I hope you have
finally figured out the answer and learned some interesting facts about your tongue. Image result for tongue and olfactory receptors diagramRelated image

Monday 17 June 2019

Discovering Electricity Diagram!

Discovering Electricity!

  • Discovering Electricity!

Did you know that you have a little bit of electricity inside of you? Well today I will
be telling you all about how electricity works, what transformers are and how to stay
safe around electricity!

Firstly, I will be stating some facts about electricity. Have you ever heard of the word
arcing? Basically, arcing means when electricity travels through air. When your in a
situation where something goes wrong with the powerline, you must stay 10 meters
away or else you will get a big, great electricity shock. But the reason why you can’t
go too close to the powerline is because your body is 70% made out of water. In bird’s
case, they don’t get shocked by the wires since birds do not touch the ground and the
wire goes down to the earth. To help clasp the powerlines, there is a rubber, glass and
ceramic holder called insulator.

Now let’s discuss about transformers! If you don’t know what a transformer is,
try remembering a time where you have seen a green box outside with a danger
sign on it. Well those things are very powerful since they have 11,000 volts in them.
The transformer’s job is to help turn those 11,000 volts into 300 volts, so that houses
can use it.

Since we’re on our last topic, I will be telling you how to stay safe around electricity!
The powerlines in your streets, sometimes can get damaged by storms, trees and cars
occuring car crashes. This happens very often, so for your own safety, stay far away
from the wires and warn others. Do you have cords in your house that are broken?
If you do, throw them away since those plugs could possibly blow up at any time if
you’re still using it. Also don’t ever mix electricity with water because when you put
those two conductors together, there is a high chance that you could get hurt. By the
way, never put anything inside your toaster.

From Esthra, I have learnt so many new ways of keeping myself safe from electricity
and knowing why electricity is so important. Now that we have ended our lesson,
I hope you start keeping yourself safe from electricity!

Friday 7 June 2019

Digestive System Diagram

Digestive System

  • Digestive System

Do you know what happens to your body when you consume something?
Have you ever heard of the body parts like esophagus, sphincter or intestines?
Well today I will be taking you to a journey inside your digestive system!

The whole digestive system rotation revolves around the mouth, stomach, small
intestine and large intestine.

Mouth: As you take a bite of the food you’re eating, the food goes through your
food pipe (esophagus). Then the esophagus helps transfer your food to your mouth
and end at the stomach. This conveying only takes approximately seven seconds.

Stomach: Next is the stomach. The stomach is a very important thing from the
digestive system since it has acid. You might be wondering, “Why would we want
acid inside of us?” Well the answer is very simple. The acid kills bacteria and helps
prevent diseases. To make sure the acid doesn’t hurt the stomach, there is a pile of
mucus on the walls of the stomach.

Small intestine: The small intestines job is to swill the nutrients out of the food.
But to do that, they have villi surrounding the small intestines. Since villi is mostly
made up from blood vessels, the blood helps absorb the vitamins and proteins from
the food.  

Large intestine: Finally we’re at the last stop which is the large intestine. The large
intestine is combined up with liquid from the food. The liquid later on gets absorbed
with blood and is ready to come out as faeces.

Since we have landed out of the digestive system, let’s go over some new things we
have learnt. So we all know that the whole digestive system takes 8 hours and that we
have strong acid inside of us but the only thing you need to take care of is eating lots
of nutrients and being responsible for your body-energy!